American Realtors > Alaska Over twice the size of Texas, Alaska is the largest state. Yet the population density is 1.1 person per square mile. Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau are the state's three largest cities.
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Jacob Payne your guide on the Kenai Peninsula to buying and selling Alaska Real Estate (commercial properties, homes, and land). In Seward, Sterling, Soldotna, Funny River, Kasilof, Clam Gulch, Deep Creek, Ninilchik, Anchor Point, Homer, Kenai, Nikiski, Cooper Landing, Anchorage and beyond. Explore Alaska with this great resource site. Alaska Real Estate is one of last great investments of the World.
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A comprehensive site that includes both valuable Anchorage real estate information and links, and home searches for Anchorage AK real estate listings. Notice: With the current low interest rates it is cheaper to buy than rent! Incudes Eagle River, Peters Creek, Chugiak
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Get the best homes, expert advice, residential listings, local info, free reports, and more from The Matt Dimmick Team REALTOR&ref; a proven Anchorage Alaska real estate expert. Top local web site.
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Jim McEachern
Las Vegas
Buyer's Agent

Venture Realty Group
4435 S. Jones Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89103